Medications at school
The only Medications that are given at school are those that absolutely necessary.
- Parents should make every effort to give medications at home.
- Students are not permitted to take medications at school without the consent or knowledge of the nurse.
- Sometimes medications need to be given during school hours. Certain procedures must be followed to ensure the safety of all children. No medication will be given, including over-the-counter products, without parental authorization and medical prescription for a doctor. Medication Administration Forms may be obtained through the school nurse. (Form attached below)
1. PRESCRIPTION ORDER – All medications even over-the-counter-medicines must have a prescription from the doctor with the child’s name, medication to be administered, dosage and frequency/time to be administered.
2. LABELED PRESCRIPTION BOTTLE/CONTAINER – At the pharmacy, ask for a container for school with the complete prescription label on it.
3. ORIGINAL CONTAINER – All over-the-counter medicines must come in the original package/box.
4. MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION FORM – Parent must sign this form and return it to the school nurse.
5. EXPIRATION DATE – Check the expiration date of medications before sending them into school.
6. All medication is to be stored and administered in the Health Room.
7. The child is responsible for reporting to the Health Room for his/her medication at the designated time.
8. If cough drops or throat lozenges are needed, please send in with a note to the nurse. Cough drops and lozenges will be kept and administered in the nurse’s office as we are concerned about the choking hazard they present to children.
9. Students are permitted to possess and self-administer asthma inhaler and/or Epi-pen in school under certain conditions. Contact your child’s school nurse for details. Your child need to have the permission to self carry the medication form completed and a physician order for the medication and that they can self administer the medication.