Mrs. KIMBERLY COYNE » Resources and Websites

Resources and Websites

Math Resources
Savaas Online (former Pearson Math website)

Access the series Norwin uses, Pearson Math, online to review or complete assignments. Great resource to review the day's lesson or find homework pages if your child's page gets lost.

Math Chimp

This resource is organized based on the 4th grade math domains. Pick an area for your child to work on and a variety of games, video explanations and worksheet links will be provided.

Khan Academy Grade 4

The Khan Academy offers video explanations, practice tests and a variety of other resources to help your child.

4th Grade Activities

This website offers hands-on activities you can do with your child that focus on everything from volume and probability to place value and multiples.

Math Websites
Math Games

Review games sorted by concepts such as geometry, multiplication, time, data, fractions, patterns, etc.

Math Playground

A variety of games to practice math facts and concepts.

Splash Math

A variety of games to practice math facts and concepts.

Science Resources
PSSA Practice Tests

Links to released items from previous years to practice for science PSSA tests.

Dare to Compare

Dare to Compare is a nice way to help your child become familiar with the format of PSSA science questions. Choose "science" and the number of questions you would like.

Review Test Taking Strategies

 Mastering the 4th grade science PSSA - test taking strategies booklet

Science Terms Flash Cards

Review a year's worth of terms for the PSSA

Science Websites
Science World

213 lessons on a variety of topics set in places all around the world

Science Experiments and Projects

variety of experiments and projects for your child to explore

Scientific Inquiry website

 Choose a topic of interest to review the nature of scientific inquiry