Gifted Screenings and Evaluations
Guidance Gifted Screenings & Evaluations
In January/February, the first grade students will take the Cognitive Ability Test. These results are reviewed by the counselors. Students that score superior are identified and their classroom teachers are consulted regarding the student's needs in the classroom. Also, at any point a teacher or parent can request the process be started.
Once the process has started, the student is screened by the school counselor. These students will be administered the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (KBIT) and the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT4). These scores, along with grade data and teacher input, are entered into a District approved Rubric. If these scores meet the requirements, the student will then be referred for a full multi-disciplinary evaluation by the school psychologist. Once permission is received by the psychologist office, the district has 60 calendar days to complete the evaluation.
The district uses multi-criteria for identification of gifted students. Once the evaluation is complete, the parent/guardian reviews the report with the psychologist. If the student meets the state criteria guidelines for gifted, the report will be forwarded to the district Gifted Education Teacher. The teacher will contact the parent to come in to write a GIEP (Gifted Individual Education Plan). This plan will identify the student's needs for enrichment for the school year. Currently students are enriched with the Gifted Education Teacher once a week for approximately half a day with their peers of that building. Students also are enriched during class time through differentiated instruction as well as Enrichment/Remediation time daily.